Advance Group Review: Ravensong, by TJ Klune

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This is a special advance group review of Ravensong by TJ Klune featuring Kristie, Gillian and Rafa. Thank you to the author and the publisher for allowing us this opportunity!

ravensong-tj-kluneRavensong, by TJ Klune
Series: Green Creek, Book 2
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: July 31, 2018

Average Moon Ratings: 4  out of 5 Moons
(see individual ratings below)

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Summer Book Conventions: El recaps BookExpo America & BookCon 2018!

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Better late than never, eh?

This year I attended the final day of BookExpo America (BEA) and the two days of BookCon, which took place from June 1-3 in New York City.

This is book-lovers’ paradise– a massive convention hall filled with publishers. And most of them are really eager to sell (or give away) their upcoming releases.

But before I get to the exciting part– the ARCs, of course! (and maybe a giveaway of my own…?)– I want to share some of my experiences from the Cons.

Check it out. And don’t forget to read to the end of the post, where you might find some awesome surprises.

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BREAKING NEWS: ‘Supergirl’ introduces Nia Nal, the first trans superhero on TV!

DC’s hit TV show Supergirl has some big news– three new characters will be joining the show for Season 4, including Nia Nal (aka Dreamer), player by Nicole Maines! Even more exciting is the news that Maines, a trans actress, will portray the first transgender superhero on television!

Maines is a trans activist and actress who has appeared on Royal Pains, The Trans List, Becoming Nicole book, and more. The character of Nia Nal is a precog who sees the future in her dreams. DC enthusiast will recognize the Nal name from the Legion of Superheroes, where her great great (great?) granddaughter lives in the future.

Executive Producers Jessica Queller and Robert Rovner confirm that they sought out a trans actor for the role. “We found a real life superhero in Nicole Maines,” Queller said. “We did a worldwide talent search for this role we always were seeking a trans actress. That was always our intention.”

“The show is about inclusion,” Rovner said.

Supergirl returns this Fall for a new season on the CW.

Looking Ahead: San Diego Comic Con + All Things Queer!

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By the time you read this, San Diego Comic Con will just be getting underway. The convention is one of the biggest in the world, and a must for fans of the geeky– comic books, video games, TV, movies, and more are on display over the four (and a half) day convention.

It’s also an oasis for queer geeks, and the convention has grown over the last few years to be more diverse and inclusive. This year’s SDCC will have several fantastic panels focusing on queer culture and characters in media, so we wanted to take a few minutes to highlight those.

We’ll also have two Just Love bloggers at the Con– El and DMac are on duty, and we plan to report back with the hottest upcoming books, shows and movies… and maybe a few super awesome interviews! We also have our top three “must see” items for the con.

So check it out!

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DMac Recaps the LA Times Festival of Books and YallWest

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Summer is Book Convention Season, and the Just Love team is out and about! (We’re also all traveling, so apologies for the delays on getting these recaps up. –el)

I had the busiest few weeks thanks to these two events, but it was so worth it to go! Sorry in advance for the wonky picture quality. It was SUPER sunny for both events and my phone camera is already not the best, but I did what I could.

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DMac Interviews Briana Lawrence, author of “I Am Magical”!

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MagnifiqueNOIR: I am Magical by Briana Lawrence is a black, queer, magical girl adventure that readers can’t stop raving about! Bree Danvers is a plus-size heroine ready to save her city from monsters along with her team, in this gorgeous novel perfect for fans of Sailor Moon.

After reading I am Magical (review here!) I decided to reach out to her on twitter! She was gracious enough to answer my questions and talk about her book, as well as what it’s like to be a black, geeky woman.

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