Top Ten Tuesday: Wishes from the Book Genie

genie-top-ten-headerAs always, this weekly meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

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I’m walking down the road, and a lamp falls out of the sky. No, seriously, an honest-to-god lamp. Like, tarnished, gold, looks pretty old. No idea where it came from, but I’m just glad it didn’t hit me on the head.

And hey, beneath that tarnish it’s not all that ugly. Maybe if I just give it a good scrub with my sleeve, I can get a few bucks for it at the pawn shop. Let’s see now…


What the heck is this? A genie? Wait a second, I know this story. I mean, I read a ton of books, surely you don’t think I’ve read some with genies in them? So alright then, Mr. Genie, I get a few wishes, right?

Wait, ten wishes? I get ten wishes? Oh man. *rubs hands together* Alright, Genie, let’s get to wishin’!


1. I wish for… more good book-to-screen adaptations! I love seeing my favorite stories come to life, and there are some very promising upcoming adaptations, like Lev Grossman’s The Magicians (SyFy, early 2016) and Neil Gaiman’s American Gods (2016).


2. Dear Genie, please bring me… The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater. NOW! Please?


3. And while you’re at #2, Genie… can I have the sequel to Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo? Pretty please?

4. Genie, I wish… for more ace and trans romance novels. There are so few of them out there, and I would love some new ones! I just saw that L.A. Witt is writing an asexual romance, though!


5. I wish, I wish, to… win a shopping spree in a bookstore. Seriously, gimme a blank check and a few hours in a bookstore, and I will be the happiest person in the world. Or, hey, maybe a lotto win? SO I CAN BUY MORE BOOKS, OF COURSE!

6. Wishing upon a magic lantern for… a few of my Dream Author Teams to collaborate on books?

7. I wish that… American book covers weren’t so ugly compared to overseas book covers. Yeah, this comes out of left field, but it’s SO TRUE! I mean, just look at the US vs UK cover for Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch (published in the US as Midnight Riot for some ungodly reason):


8. I wish, oh great Genie, for… eBooks that aren’t ridiculously over-priced. Why would I pay $15 for an eBook when the hardcover is only $17? (Yes, Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith, I’m looking at you!)


9. I wish that… authors were treated with the same level of awe and fame as football players. I mean, one of these professions transports you to another world, and the other involves a bunch of sweaty dudes in spandex throwing balls around. (Also, let’s throw teachers in with the authors on this wish, if you don’t mind!)

10. For my last wish, Genie… I wish you were free! Oh, wait, you already are? Well, okay then, I wish for the simple pleasure of a good book, warm blankets, tasty snacks, and the sound of rain on my window.


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4 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Wishes from the Book Genie

  1. I love your little story and your wishes as well.
    But seriously… why are ebooks so pricey? Like a book by Karin slaughter (I don’t know the english title right now, but that’s not important) is on german Amazon. You have to pay 8,99€ for the kindle book and 9,99 for the paperback. Why? There are no material costs?


    • It makes it super obvious that the entire end-game for the publisher is making as much money as possible. If it costs them $5 to print a book and mail it out, then they make $3 profit on an ebook that they sell for $8. If they sell an ebook for $7, then they’re clearly making a HUGE profit on each book. And while I don’t mind supporting the author and publisher, I think it’s a bit TOO greedy.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, I want money for the same reason! I think most people would like to be rich so they can have big houses and fancy cars… I want a library out of “Beauty and the Beast”!

      I can’t decide if it’s publishers being greedy, or stupid. Either way, I don’t like it 😦


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